Tuesday, November 25, 2008
hari GURU
Tadi pagi, aku ikut apel dalam rangka hari GURU. Sepanjang upacara seluruh peserta ga ada yang ga ngobrol (termasuk aku...hmm, cuma dikit siy ^_^). Pantas aja guru2 suka susyah minta siswa disiplin en ga ribut klo upacara Senin pagi, ternyata emang gurunya juga susyah tuh. Hihihihi....
*Buat seluruh siswa di Indonesia, ikutilah hal2 yang baik saja dari gurumu ya, Nak!*
Tadi, selagi asyik belajar bahasa Inggris bersama teman, ada sms masuk ke inbox. Rasa haru menyelimuti hati saat membacanya. Hiks..hiks... ga nyangka aku punya siswa2 yang masih peduli walaupun mereka udah lulus en jarang ketemu.
terima kasih atas smua ilmu n kash syg yg tlah ibu brikan..tak ada hal yg bsa membyar smua jasa2mu whai pahlawan tnp tnd jahsa..slmt hr guru..u is my best teacher
Thanks Hana, but I think you forget that I have taught you that the subject YOU is using ARE as its TO BE ^_^ Hahaha... yang salah, siswa atau gurunya niy...?
Hari PAHLAWAN tanggal 10 November juga ga dilupakan oleh salah seorang siswa aku dan she considers me as a hero...tsk..tsk... I'm so speechless.
Asalamualaikum..Gmn kbr bu?mudah2n Allah SWT slalumembrkn Rahmat & Karunia kpd Qt smua.AMIN Sm0ga Alm ibunda ibu ditrm iman islam'y.Di hr Pahlawan ini Ta mu ngcpn bnyk2 trimakash bt ibu yg sdh ilmu'y &mmbrkn m0tivasi blajar ta..ta slalu ingat pesan ibu (",) (Muridmu : Erlita Oktafiani)
Knowing that I have some people that appreciate my work is one of motivation to be better. Ya...aku insyaAllah meniatkan mengajar buat ibadah, dan ini bonus dari Allah kali, ya?
Di hari GURU ini, aku juga ingin mengucapkan rasa syukur yang mendalam atas kesempatan Allah untuk menjadikan aku sebagai guru. Terutama sekali juga rasa terima kasih yang tak terhingga untuk semua guru-guru aku, baik sejak TK, SD, SMP, SMA dan guru yang aku temui di luar gedung2 sekolah...
Friday, November 21, 2008
the day she passed away
aku hanya ingin bertanya,
kapankah rasa hampa ini akan terISI?
Ya Rabbi, bantu hamba.
Monday, November 10, 2008
.....the day she went away…..
I can’t meet her again, I can’t see her again, I can’t hear her voice again.
Oh, how I miss her. I feel the deepest sorrow of my whole life at the moment.
I often cry alone when I cook in the kitchen, remembering she was cooking at the same place. I often cry alone in the bathroom, keeping in mind the way she was standing weakly to the wall. I often cry alone in my bedroom, remembering she was sleeping in the same bed.
September 10th, 2008…..
I love you a lot, that’s why I took you to the hospital even though you didn’t want to. It’s been more than a week you lie down in bed because of your illness. I didn’t think your illness was in serious condition since you always gave us your best smile. All of us were shocked when the doctor said we have to take you to RSCM as you’ve suspected to get blood cancer. You’ve already got diabetes since 1993 and at that time Allah gave you another portion of His love. I couldn’t forget your smile, your nicest smile, going through a period of your terrible time.
October 10th, 2008…..
Allah loves you a lot I think, that’s why He took you from our life. You passed away on Friday that many people said it was an excellent day to leave the world. I hope you have a great time there. I realize all of us will come to an end. Hopefully we can meet in His paradise in hereafter.
November 10th, 2008.....
I really miss you, Mom
I miss your advice. I miss your smile.
I miss your patience.
I miss the rest of YOU....
Allahummaghfirlaha, warhamha, wa’aafiha wa’fu’anha.
O Lord, please give her the best place and give her Your mercy. Aamiin.
I'll try to be the best teacher as you used to be.
I'll try to be the best mother in the future as you used to be.
I'll try to be the best wife as you used to be.
Mom, I'll try to be the best of me....