Sunday, May 30, 2004

workshop ayam enak ^_^

duh..kesiangan ni mah harusnya tuh jam segini dah nyampe di JICA, di auditoriumnya dimana lagi ada workshop Metro News in Collaboartion with BSO BEM KM UPI. ntar jam sepuluh pematerinya Najwa Shihab. She is going to present how to be an excellent presenter. wow...that's my dream. tapi enggak juga seh, roel lebih seneng kerja di balik layar. Pengen punya stasiun tv yg bagus n bisa ngedidik bangsa ini jd lebih bagus. Is there anyone who wants to share his money to build it? ya know? in my prayer, I ask Allah to give me a rich man for to be my husband ;) eit..don't be angry first! I will ask him to use the money for the TV. it's for da'wah, isn't it? dah ah, mau pergi. dah keburu tlat neh! I hope I can take a picture with Najwa hahaha

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kan difiti tuh...minta foto bareng mba Nana-nya dunks!