Thursday, April 06, 2006

aaaarrrggghhhh.................. (?)

Fhew..... Whatta tiring day...! I've got so many lessons today about ny students. One thing for sure is that they are lack of motivation. Their purpose is only for the score. What should I do? I really wanna help them to realize that there are still many things about learning process besides score or remark. Just imagine...I gave them a test and I couldn't handle the class' situation. They were chatting and walking around the class. Is it my weakness or they don't give me respect?
However...I love my students.....hahahaha


Anonymous said...

ooh, murid yg orientasinya cuma buat score ya? itu udah jd budaya siswa indonesia kali...

Anonymous said...

hehe... emang susah kalo murid cuman mau cari nilai doang. Padahal nilai cuman sampe akhir semster doang, sedangkan ilmu kan sampe kapan-kapaaaan juga bakalan kepake yaa...
Jangan menyerah ya Roel, lanjutkan usahamu mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa.. ;)
btw.. salam kenal :)

leo2k3b said...
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leo2k3b said...

good day.

when i searched the name roel your blog pop up in the monitor.

Roel is the name of my roommate and brother anyway.

we're both tutors in a tutorials center here in the phillipines.

its really good to know that there are other people around the world that feels the same way.

when i first encounter that feeling i was very upset, qouting that we have a one on one tutorials and still she/he do no good...

i don't understand the other entries on your blog.
i just thought that its either i study your language or you post entries with english version. blog can be viewed around the world so make sure they can be read and understand by others who doesn't know the language. Unless otherwise of course...

well good day again.

Regards and God bless