Monday, March 28, 2005

Sleeping Beauty

Senin lalu, ®oel ke jurusan en liat2 skripsi org lain. Sesuai petunjuk, ®oel nyoba baca2 literatur dr skripsi spy bisa tau tje look of a paper.
Ada satu skripsi yg bikin ®oel terbelalak. Pasalnya, ada nama ®oel disitu. *So what gitu lho, ®oel?* Ya...seneng aja, walaupun ®oel ga ngeh apakah bener ®oel pernah jadi responden dia. Seingat ®oel tulisan yg ada disana sbg lampiran adalah tugas bwt salah satu matkul wkt semester 3 (apa 4 ya?) Btw, ®oel lebih tertarik menyimak tulisan itu daripada skripsinya kekekek :D Judulnya, SLEEPING BEAUTY. Here it is....
Sleeping Beauty
Most of us would say that we need at least 8 hours for sleeping to make our body safe and sound. We know it from the information in the magazines, newspapers, radio, and televisions based on doctor’s suggestion. People are so pursued to trust this opinion that they spend one third of their days for sleeping. Actually, we don’t need to sleep so long.
In a real life, there are people who sleep less than 8 hours, but they don’t loose their productivity, for instance, Muslim religious leaders. I’ve read that they used their night mostly to learn Koran by heart, hadeeth, or other religious lessons, to perform prayer, and to work. Besides that, they do devote their life for the society.
What I’m trying to say is that the opinion of 8 hours sleeping is not absolutely true. We don’t have to obey what doctors said as long as we comfortable with 5 or 6 hours a day, because being healthy is not based on how long, but how well we sleep.
PS: Well, maybe it's not relevant now since many people have realize that we do not need a long sleep.

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