Thursday, June 10, 2004

lots of values (bukan valus! yg harganya lima rebu!)

Ketemu lagi..^_^.
Wuih…tumbenan neh kota segini dinginnya, emang tadi pagi hujan seh. Kebetulan juga ®oel musti pergi jam enem (>_<) Bbrr…dingin banget, coba klo pake payungnya bdua2an..kan asyik tuh. Eits…bdua ma mommy dunks! ;p Baru aja sore ini pulang dari Vila Istana Bunga. Lho..emang ®oel dah punya vila? Aamiin..Keep ur fingers cross. Engga…cuma jjs bareng adek2 kampus. Banyakan juga seh, around 25 people. Kita makan2, ceritanya perpisahan karenna ajang yg mempertemukan qt (ceilah..) dah bubaran. However, we made a promise to keep contact each other, malah dah ada rencana bwt ifthor jama’i ntar Ramadhan. Sbenernya ®oel sedih lho hrs pisah ma mereka..suer! [sambil membentuk letter V di tangan] Pengennya besok2 qt tetep bisa ketemuan, qt jg msh bahas ilmu2 ttg Islam, qt jg msh bisa curhat2an and so on. Dan..ternyata hal itu jg nambah semangat ®oel bwt terus dan terus dan terus…;p.. menyadari bahwa bener walaupun tujuh lautan jadi tintanya dan seluruh pohon di dunia jadi penanya…ilmu Allah ga akan pernah habis. Subhanallah (@_@)
Hari ini ®oel dapet pengalaman berharga. Perasaan klo abis something has to do with assignment selaluuu aja ada moral lesson…Ya iyalah, wherever, whenever, whoever…qt musti bin kudu harus ngambil ibroh to make us better everydar. Better? Emang lebih baik! [Satu lagi korban iklan..*-^] Assignment-nya itu punya bu Della. Kita diminta bwt comment on a short story. Ceritanya bagus…ditulis sama Kurt salah..dia mah penyanyi, ya? Ditulis sama Kurt Vonnegut,Jr. Dia itu penulis science-fiction, dan cerita nyang ni jg agak nge-science-fiction gitu dech. The story takes time in 2081..tuh kan jauh banged ya? Percaya deh qt dah dipanggil ma Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa (^_^) Klo mo tau lebih jauh ttg ntu cerita, klik aja disini. Now, I’d like to present my comment, jgn males baca ya? Walaupun sdikit ancur2an. [Sedikit? Banyak kali!]
The short story is writte by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. He is known as a science-fiction author. No wonder the story takes time in 2081. He concerns in humans condition ( and the story show us his concerns. It tells us Vonnegut attempt to make us have a clear understanding about what equal is.
The opening sentence is intended to have readers’ attention on what is going next in the entire story. In the year 2081, all human beings are equal in every ways. There is no difference between them. Such condition eliminates personal identity because everybody is the same.
The head of state at the time is the United States Handicapper General. The society is simply under their control. Everything is in command of the government. Furthermore, they become threats to society because they power is full of oppression.
George and Hazel Harrison are part of the society. Hazel has an average intelligence, in contrast, George has superior intelligence. That makes the United States Handicapper General give him a little mental handicap radio in his ear and he has to wear it at all the times. It has the function to “send out some sharp noise” to keep him the possibility of taking advantage of his brain unfairly. This condition demonstrates that the government want everyone the same—including their intelligence. George and Hazel live like others, they accept the situation even though they’re under government’s control. Vonnegut wants to analogy the realities happen nowadays. Many people who have great competence couldn’t express their feelings because life has been in charge of people who just think of themselves. Vonnegut tries to warn us that, actually, equality in every ways can be a terrible repression for us. There will be no spirit to live because we don’t face challenges. In line with condition of George who has to wear a mental handicap radio, the reality happen recently is similar. Many televisions, radio and other mass media have been used for some interests. They decide whether something has to be delivered as news or not. Our access to information is limited by the boundary they made.
Harrison Bergeron, a fourteen-years old, is identified as a threat to society because he makes an effort to be different, to have his own stand. Something that is illegal under the law of the United States Handicapper General. He has been “handicapped” by wearing a red rubber ball for a nose, keeping his eyebrows shaved off and covering his white teeth with black caps at snaggle-tooth random. The significance of his appearing in television is it shows that there would be someone who has his/her voice and has the courage to present it in front of many people. He repeatedly say “I’m the Emperor!” because he wants to let the society see that actually they can change. I think the author doesn’t suggest us a return to feudalism and its aristocratic political institution. I assume he only explain to the readers that being exactly the same with others in every ways is inhuman. The question arise in my mind is that God creates humans in a different way, should we break the destiny?

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