Friday, June 18, 2004

seminar lagih...

Aloha..I'm back!! *sbodo amat* Whueks...
Jangan gituh dunks...lagi pusying abis seminar lagi neh. Kemaren seminar makalah bwt nilai mata kuliah, klo skarang seminar bwt hidup dan matinya [tenang..®oel gak niat mati dulu!] my research paper. Waduh..kedapetan Pa Didi Suky lagih. Tapi ternyata bow...beliau tuh asli baek da. My negative thinking cuma muncul gara2 ®oel gak pernah diajar beliau ajah kali, ya? Just see the description below..
What are you going to do? *tanpa melihat ®oel*
Mmh..well, I'm going to observe Writing class for next semester..*belon selese*
No..*sambil liat proposal ®oel* title is Review of Approach in Teaching Writing and Its Impact to the Students Development *masih deg2an*
Well...what are you going to do? *skali lagih nanya*
I'd like to search information what kind of approach the lecturer used in the next semester in Writing 2 class..
I think you have to make your title more accurate *tetep dingin* [waduh..alamat ga lolos nih] And what is the instruments?
*What? Apaan yah?* Mmh..the students, the lecturer...
What is instrument? *agak lumer*'s some..that I use to do my research..*panas dingin*
bla..bla..bla.. the next*bingung*
Just see me later..
O..thank you..*pergi walau hampir ga bisi diri*
Wuihh..weleh..weleh..ada si Komo lewat. Hehehe..ternyata bapa tuh baik banget. Beliau cuma mastiin kita supaya bener2 yakin dgn apa yg bakal kita lakuin. Sampe2 beliau nanya, "Are you satisfied?" Ya iyalah..orang ®oel emang seneng ma writing subject. Pokona musti semangat neh ngerjainna. Jangan jd pemales..ntar ditinggalin barudak baru lo nyaho! O>K ®oel I'l try my best. I'll keep my words. Mum, Dad, and my knights..wish me luck!

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